

English is not my first language but I would like to spread my thoughts as much as possible so forgive my faults.

The fool has acted with clarity, but the fact that he has a screw loose remains.

He wants an open trial to explain his deed but I hope with all my heart that he will obtain a denial. This mentally sick person has done all this to give publicity to his message and help to make it public would give value to his actions. Let him spread his reasons would be a victory for him, the people he killed would serve his cause, the pain of friends and relatives would serve his cause, the terror of those who were about to be suppressed as beasts would serve his cause.

Do not know about you but I disagree with all this, I will not provide the link, I will not mention people or places. I do not want my words might serve his cause. I hope that we can move on the actions of this crazy, let's mourn the dead, let's support the relatives and let's isolate the monster.

He did all this in order to speak to the world, the worst punishment for him would be to not discuss it with anyone. I hope that the process will be behind closed doors, that the documents will be secreted and that he will be placed in isolation so that he can not confide even with other prisoners.

This is the worst punishment for him.

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